Convert Video8 to Digital


8517 W 8th Ave, Lakewood, CO. 80215


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Volume Discounts!

Terrific Prices All Year Round!


All work performed by owner operator on site.

Never shipped out of state!

Reborn Audio/Video offers a complete line of Hi8 to DVD, Digital 8 to DVD, and Video8 to DVD conversion services. It is often impossible to tell which one of these you might have. Fortunately, we have top-of-the-line equipment for all three options.

This family of 8mm video tapes were (and are!) very popular. They allowed a much smaller format, smaller camera, and higher quality compared to VHS. Unfortunately, they have the same root problem as VHS – they are magnetic tape. See The Top 5 Reasons for Converting Video Tape to DVD.

See our Video8 to DVD Pricing Schedule for pricing, corporate pricing, and volume discount information.