Convert Super 8 Film to Digital


8517 W 8th Ave, Lakewood, CO. 80215


Many orders completed 24-48 hours

Express service available


Volume Discounts!

Terrific Prices All Year Round!


All work performed by owner operator on site.

Never shipped out of state!

Super8 to Digital conversion is very similar to 8mm to Digital conversion. The film is the same size, with just a few enhancements and a larger reel hub, as well as more of a landscape layout, as opposed to regular 8mm film’s portrait layout. 

Converting film to mp4, Quicktime, and avi are just a few of the formats that we support – for both Mac and Windows. We deliver your digital video through external hard drive, USB drive or via the Cloud.

See the film pricing schedule for pricing, corporate pricing, and volume discount information.