Convert Hi8 to Digital


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Convert Hi8 to Digital - It is NOT Getting Any Younger!

Reborn Audio/Video offers a complete line of Hi8 to DIigital, Digital8 to Digital, and Video8 to Digital conversion services. It is often unclear to tell which one of these you might have. Fortunately, we have top-of-the-line equipment for all three options.

Hi8, Video8, or Digital8 - Which One Do You Have?

Video8 was the first videotape format following VHS-C which was a resized VHS offering. Hi8 was an upgraded version of Video8. It was the same video format but now offered digital sound. Digital8 offered both digital video and audio storage on magnet tape. All three have often been referred to as Hi8 regardless of which 8mm option they actually are. Obviously each offering requres its own player, although most offerings were backward compatable. For example, a Hi8 camera or player could also play Video8 tapes and likewise for Digital8 equipment. I use Digital8 equipment so that I can get the latest technology that supports all three variations. Check out Wikipedia for additional detail.

Digitize Hi8 to Digital or DVD - Pluses and Minuses 

I know, DVDs have been THE way of watching video for, well, forever. Yes, there are cases where DVDs are still important, but it comes down to really one main advantage:

  1. DVDs are someones way of doing things, they don't want to learn digital, and they don't have the equipment to play it on anyway

That's great - I still convert Hi8 to DVD!

Advantages Of Converting Hi8 to Digital

The advantages of converting Hi8 to Digital are pretty convincing:

  1. Size. The converted digital files take up space on the storage that you already own: hard drive, external drives, cloud, etc. Compare this to a collection of DVDs.
  2. Sharing. Digital files can be shared through the internet via email, sites like YouTube, or the Cloud.
  3. Backup. DVDs require a physical copy to backup. Digital files simply need to be copied.
  4. Portability. mp4 files especially will play on Mac, Windows, laptops, tables, smartphones, and even gaming equipment. You don't need any additional equipment.
  5. Editing. digital files can be easily edited to create the exact scenes that you want to keep. DVDs cannot.
  6. DVDs. If you must have one - you can create DVDs from digital files later. The reverse is much more expensive
  7. DVD Players. Just like VHS players, DVD players will soon become obsolete.

Convert Hi8 to Digital – Next Steps:

  1. Call or text Jamey (About Jamey) at 720 204-5464
  2. Set an appointment (every project receives my individual attention)
  3. Drop off your tapes (and records, cassettes, slides, or negatives, too)
  4. In a week or less, pick up your new digitized DVCam(and other stuff, too) Check Pricing!