iPhone to DVD!

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iPhone to DVDiPhone to Hard Drivephotos to DVDVHS to DVD and more!

So, you have millions of photos on your phone, on your computer, on a flash card, on a thumb drive. What do you do with all of them!??

1. Consolidate them! Get them all in the same place. Usually your computer is the best place for this consolidation.
2. Decide how you want to keep them safe and secure.
3. Decide how you want to watch them.
4. Transfer your photos to Hard DriveTransfer your photos to DVD data discTransfer your photos to Cloud

What’s the difference? Well, if you want to watch them on TV, then transfer to DVD or USB drive. Depending on the features of your TV, you will be able to see your pictures right on TV.

A little more advanced, transfer your photos to the Cloud – where they are saved with technology far beyond the capabilities of a typical household. Sync the cloud with 2 or more of your computers and you have multiple copies and backups.

If you use Apple TV, then transfer photos to your iTunes library – and watch them with a clicker through the tube.

Or if you want to look at pictures on a computer – any of the above will do!

No matter what you choose – always (ALWAYS) have at least one backup. Discs can be lost, stolen, broken, burned – as can hard discs. 

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James Nordby