How to Convert VHS to DVD – #1

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Preserving and Protecting the Very Best Times of Your Life!

#1 – There are several issues well beyond “just making a copy” to consider when making the decision to digitize your VHS tapes to DVD

in Article #1, we will talk about the first step in professional VHS to DVD conversion that helps you to get the best Conversion to digital and Transfer to a format best for you.

– the number one issue to think about is moisture. Yes moisture. over time, the magnetic material on your video tape (and audio tape) can absorb moisture. Under the right conditions, this can form a gummy texture that, when played, can pull the magnetic material right off the tape. 

This is not good for your tape (needless to say), nor is it good for my players. 

So, the first step in a successful VHS to DVD conversion is dehydration. The same is true for all Video to DVD transfers to digital (miniDV to DVD, Hi8 to DVD, etc.) as well as all Audio to CD transfers (cassettes and reel to reel). 

Some people call this ‘baking’ which sounds ominous, but is not. Dehydration is simply placing the tapes in a safe dehydrating environment (food dehydrators are common) that brings up the temparature, but not to unsafe levels for the media. 

in #2, we will be talking about “packing” tapes for VHS to DVD (as well as all Video to DVD Transfers) and for audio cassettes to CD Transfers

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James Nordby