How Can I Convert 8 Millimeter Film to DVD in Denver?

Developed in the 1920s, 8 millimeter film is a form of optical storage. It captures each motion picture frame on 8 millimeter film in negative form. In the past, the only way to view this footage was to use a projector. Users could then display the images on either a wall or a screen in a darkened room. After Beta and VHS technology came along, a lot of people chose to transfer their 8 millimeter reels to video format. They did this by projecting their home movies onto a screen then capturing that projection with a camcorder. You can still do this today. However, there is a better way to transfer 8 millimeter film to DVD in Denver.

Real-Time Telecine Transfer

Even today, one way to capture 8 millimeter film is to project it and then capture it with a camera. This process is Real Time Telecine Transfer. There are a number of widgets available that enable this. This is a convenient, quick, and cheap way for you to transfer your 8 millimeter film to video. However, it has a few negative aspects you must bear in mind.

  • Because of the projector’s gate, you will lose around 15 percent of the footage at the edge of the frame.
  • The film’s frame rate remains unknown during playback. When the projector’s source light frequency does not match up with the camcorder’s scanning rate, flickering is the result.
  • The resulting image is not smooth or stable.
  • The video has a lower resolution. It is capturing images from a smaller screen then enlarging them with a different lens.

Frame-by-Frame Scanning

A new method has now become available to transfer 8 millimeter film to DVD in Denver. At one time, only Hollywood and large corporations could use frame-by-frame scanning methods. These used a scanner at high resolution to scan every frame. Then, special software could patch all the individual frames together. The result would be a continuously running movie. Just a few years ago, it was prohibitively expensive to use this method. However, since the cost has come down, digitizing companies, such as Reborn, can access it. We can offer frame-by-frame scanning so you can digitize and store your 8 millimeter film on DVD.

Why Is This Scanning Method So Useful?

There are a number of benefits offered by this scanning method. They include:

  • Being able to capture video at a high definition up to 1080 pixels.
  • No risk of films burning out because of the cool and bright LED lights used.
  • The image quality produced by this method is highly superior.
  • You can capture the entire frame with no loss of image at the edges.
  • There is no chance of the film being damaged since the mechanism has no sprockets.
  • It is possible to capture the film in HD quality for long-term archiving.

Are you ready to convert your 8 millimeter film to DVD in Denver? Here at Reborn, we are specialists in digitization. Rely on us to preserve your precious home movie memories forever.

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James Nordby