Are There Volume Discounts for Converting Multiple VHS tapes?

vhs to dvd

Whether you want to digitize VHS, 8mm Film, miniDV, Hi8, Digital8, Video8, Cassettes, Records, Slides, Photos, or Negatives, Reborn Audio Video offers volume discounts for the following levels when the entire volume is converted in one project: Discounts are calculated according to quoted base prices for each media type at time of order. Discounts apply…

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How Do You Handle Old and Damaged Videotapes During Conversion?

video to dvd

It is heartbreaking than discover that priceless videos that have been saved for years (or decades) are damaged or deteriorated beyond help when you finally get the chance to watch them again or convert them to digital. Tapes deteriorate by just getting older. The rate and type of deterioration depends upon factors like temperature, humidity,…

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Can VHS Tapes be Converted to MP4

VHS to Digital Conversion

Yes, mp4 is the most popular format when digitizing VHS tapes. Mp4 is the format of choice for more devices, social media, and editing software whereas the file size is several times smaller than the 2nd most popular format. What Formats Can You Convert VHS Tapes To? There are literally hundreds of conversion formats and…

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