DAT Tape to Digital
What is the Best Way to Store Digital Copies of Old Media?
There are several choices to store digitized DVDs, videotape, slides, cassettes and records. Each of these methods have advantages and disadvantages that affect durability and longevity of digital media. The Best Way to Store Digital VHS, Digital Cassettes, and Digital Slides Even digital video and audio have risks. Electronic devices can wear out. Electronic devices…
Read MoreConvert DAT Tape to Digital? How Long is Too Long to Wait?
Are you wondering whether you should convert DAT (digital audio tape) tape to digital? If you have old recordings on DAT tape in your home, it’s wise to consider converting them. The whole idea of making recordings is to preserve your precious memories. DAT tape will only deteriorate over time. Standard analog cassette tapes degrade…
Read MoreCopy Zip Disk for Graduation Picture
Yup, we can Copy Zip Disk for you – in this case we helped a dad revive a graduation picture of his son! *720 204-5464* Preserving and Protecting the Very Best Times of Your Life – when we copy zip disk for you!
Read MoreWriting Portfolio – Copy Zip Drive
720 204-5464 Preserving and Protecting the Very Best Times of Your Life! Years of articles, books, and other thoughts were restored via Copy Zip Drive. Lots of possibilities: USB Drive, Hard Drive, DVD, Cloud.
Read MorePhotos of old artwork & vacation saved by Copy Zip Drive Denver
720 204-5464 Preserving and Protecting the Very Best Times of Your Life! Convert to Digital! What if you are already digital, but on a Zip Drive or with Floppies? Well, we have copied Photos on Zip Drive to DVD and USB Drive – and the same when we copy Floppies to DVD and USB. Those old documents and pictures…
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